even if you never manage to watch another documentary in your life
watch this one. It will take a while, it’s an entire TV programme and
lasts almost one hour. BUT, it is in 5 parts so you don’t have to watch
it all together. This is the film I was raving about that I watched at
my sisters (in this recent blog)http://forgetmenot525.multiply.com/journal/item/433/Update_gardens_fruit_jam_planting_and_my_fish._
and said I couldn’t find it on youtube…….. well, I was wrong and here it is.
This is for every one who cares about gardens, plants, our planet, our food, our farms, our future, and our huge horrendous dirty great big eco-footprint.
BBC documentary on the present global farming and food crisis, filmed in the UK.
Featuring Martin Crawford (Agroforestry Research Trust), Fordhall Farm, Richard Heinberg and others.
Topics covered are the influence of oil on the food production, peak-oil, food security, carbon emissions, sustainability and permaculture.
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esoterika713 wrote on Aug 29, '10, edited on Aug 29, '10
think I have already seen these which is why I am feeling so excited to
try some new gardening techniques. I want to practice with the co-op I
live in. We already have some standard sized trees so I think I should
start from fruit trees and work my way down. I have an area in mind and
as long as the other members can be convinced that permaculture is the
way for the future and we could try to provide food for our co-op. We
can do a lot in a small area.
Right now the hubby and kids are watching a movie so I'll have to wait to check out the video's at a later time to make sure I haven't missed one of them. |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 30, '09
was impressed whenI first saw it, glad you liked it. I have a tiny plot
of land but i've been thinking about the best ways of using it.
spiritwalkerr wrote on Oct 29, '09
These were great. Posted a note telling more folks to watch them.
spiritwalkerr wrote on Oct 28, '09
Loretta, I'm hoping to watch these later this afternoon or tonight. I
got raided by company. lol I'm also hoping that this is the one I
watched a while ago that just knocked my socks off as far as the life
that's hidden in the dirt alone, and how plants, soil, etc all live in
spiritwalkerr wrote on Oct 27, '09
looking forward to watching this but probably won't be able to till
Thursday as I have to work an odd schedule this week. Thanks for finding
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 25, '09
mitchylr said
weird things keep happening to me too but it's all on youTube anyway.
OR..... sometimes if I have a problem I try swapping back and forth
between Firefox and IE, sometimes if something doesn't work on opne its
ok on the other. Hope you manage to see this cos its really worth the
brendainmad wrote on Oct 25, '09
Thanks, Loretta. This is one documentary that's worth watching again.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 24, '09
for watching the whole thing...............my garden is very small but
like you I intend to do what I can with the resourses available, a water
but is a fantastic idea, have been thinking of getting one myself and I
know what you mean about the wild life, thankfully my garden seems to
attract the birds and insects too and it is so lovely to sit and watch
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 24, '09
felt that a lot of the time but somehow having it all spelt out so
clearly brings the message home and pulls every thing together
aimlessjoys wrote on Oct 24, '09
Beautiful food for thought, Loretta! I'm ready for a change, arren't you? Back to the Garden!
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