Wednesday, 22 August 2012

March 4, 2010, Multiply, The Gardening Starts no 5

The gardening starts today No 5

Just a quick update;
At last the first tomato seedlings are big enough to transplant into the troughs and put on the window sill.
Now I have rocket seedlings in troughs on the living room window sill and tomato seedlings on the kitchen window sill. I also have my first batch of lettuce seedlings on the kitchen window sill.  These little seedlings in the black pots are pretty special young fellows. They are grown from seed that I harvested from my wonderful parsley plant last year. If the weather holds for just another couple of days I’ll be very tempted to transplant these red onion seedlings into the big black pots out side. They are still very small and young to be left out side but they are outgrowing these tiny trays. I just hope they are strong enough to cope outside; maybe I should cover them for the first few weeks of outdoor life. And this morning I see the first signs that the pepper and chili seeds are growing, soon I shall be finding places fro them on window sills.
Making space for my 'food plants' means clearing away some of the decorative plants and that includes cutting and potting the spider plant babies.
Think it's time for another lunch time plant sale at work.

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agnes128 wrote on Mar 14, '10
Wow wow wow! Wonderful!

mitchylr wrote on Mar 14, '10
They're all coming along splendidly :-))

bennett1 wrote on Mar 14, '10
Definitely the onions can go outside in a sheltered spot. Sunburn, as DJ mentioned, is a concern. But plants need sun, even your tomatoes, if you can give them an hour or so in the light on a sunny day. Otherwise they grow spindly. Wonderful to see things growing!! And great to have parsley from your own plants.

brendainmad wrote on Mar 14, '10
Everything is coming along well, especially those baby spider plants.

nemo4sun wrote on Mar 14, '10
looking like a promising garden


msowens1 wrote on Mar 14, '10
how wonderful to watch your progress..... ;-)

greenwytch wrote on Mar 14, '10
aaah, lovely seedlings, full of promise! well done, Loretta! ; D

hedgewitch9 wrote on Mar 14, '10


aimlessjoys wrote on Mar 14, '10
I admire your efforts. Good gardening (& eating) in progress. Have Fun!

djdx wrote on Mar 14, '10
A pleasure to see all these things growing.

You can harden off the onions by putting them out for a short time, then gradually increasing over a period of several days, bringing them at night at first. They might get sunburnt.

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