100 degrees in the garden.
has been the most glorious hot summers day imaginable. The first day of
the holidays and I couldn’t have asked for better weather. In fact, it
was rather too warm considering I have been fighting with my hedge all
day. I decided to actually DO what I’ve considered doing for the last
couple of years, which is cut my hedge down to size and make it more
manageable to maintain. A couple of weeks ago I bought myself an
electric hedge trimmer with this task in mind, but, when it came down to
it I was too chicken to use the dam thing and have snipped away with a
pair of garden sheers, a pair of pruning secateurs and for the bigger
branches a saw. It was so hot I only managed to work in half hour stints
and then had to come in for a quick drink and a play on the computer.
But; by 5.30 I had made enough progress to stop work for the day. I
should finish the job tomorrow, funny how satisfying it is to do
something physically challenging that shows visible results. I feel a
great sense of achievement as I stand and look at what I have done
today.100 degrees in the garden.
The hedge is just the first of a long list of chores I want to tackle over the summer. I’m not sure how much I will get done but I am quite determined to do as much as I can, the list is quite long ……….
1. Re-paint all my blue fences with blue wood preserver
2. Paint the doors and wrought iron gates with the high gloss blue paint I have stored in the shed
3. Employ a workman to do a little cement work around the edge of the rockery, the edge of the ‘pond’ and fix the render on the shed walls.
4. Fill my ‘pond’ and make a mosaic to go round the edge after the workman has finished.
5. Make a mosaic to go around the rockery after the workman has finished.
6. Buy some masonry paint and paint the walls once the workman has fixed the render.
Think that’s just about it for the garden, a very long list to tackle in just over 6 weeks but, I’m not going away and the weather looks set to stay hot. So, with a little luck and some perseverance I should be able to manage quite a lot. Wish me luck.
Oh forgot to say, included this photo cos it was so hot at one stage I bought my clock/temp gauge down to see what it said out side in the garden, click on it to enlarge and look at the temp!!!!, no idea how accurate this is but Scotland doesn't usually get this hot.
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acousticeagle wrote on Jul 4, '09
don't even think that Tasmania gets temps that warm. Summers are so
mild here compared to the mainland where I lived most of my life. It's
funny to think that we are on the opposite sides of the globe. Here I am
right down very close to Antarctica. And I think of the British Isles
as cold!
rather be cool than too hot.... and it is unseasonably cool here! but
it should warm up for the weekend... you have quite a to-do list for
the summer.... I had an electric hedge trimmer too... it is a lot
harder than you think... afterwards your arms quiver and your shoulder
ache.... it gets the job done quickly but you have a tendancey to just
trim a little more here and there... lol.... hope it cools for you,
and that you wear a hat and sunscreen!
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jul 2, '09
I understand about the privets. They are very forgiving.....whack the
dickens out of them and they grow right back. I don't have a hedge but I
have a couple of free standing privet bushes...(I have no clue where I
got them) LOL I have chopped them to the ground and in a few weeks I
have a bush again.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 2, '09
wouldn't be so brutal if it were a native hedgerow, hawthorn or holly
or something like that, but it is an ornimental privit that I inherited
and it had become totaly unmanagable. Also..........once I started
cutting I realised there were whole dead bushes in the middle of it all.
My hope is that by next summer it will be covered in leaves again and
be ready for me to lightly trim just to keep it tidy. Know what you mean
about the yews, they get so big but its a shame they have to be cut
back, but they will look fine again next year.
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jul 2, '09
as if you are whacking that old hedge down to size.I finally had to
resort to trimming my six yews that are in front of my porch with a
hedge trimmer. I tried hard to keep them in a natural shape but they are
just getting too large for that, so now they have straight, flat
fronts. Doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 2, '09
do my best but I am resigned to not having a decent camera this
summer..............I shall use my phone and maybe I'll buy a couple of
those disposable cameras if I want to show a finished project
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 2, '09, edited on Jul 2, '09
frank far I have only found one old nest and it was no longer in
use which is good. Part of the reason I didn't start this any sooner
was to give all the baby birds that may have been there time to fly the
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 2, '09
yes...............long hot days, it will be light till after 10 abd dawn was about 4 this morning
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 2, '09
LOL.................thanks but don''t think I'm that artistic in the garden...............nice idea though lol :-)
brendainmad wrote on Jul 2, '09
Am back. This is what you could do with your hedges: |
brendainmad wrote on Jul 2, '09
sure it was hotter than that in Madrid today. I've been inside most of
the day and had to turn on the AC for a while. I've got lots of projects
too for the holidays, but one of them is to travel to the US. There's a
big pile of papers staring at me at the moment. They'll still be there
when I come back because I'm meeting my friends at the Chinese
restaurant in an hour or so. I know what you mean about being chicken. I
had this super sharp cutting tool that I was too frightened to use!
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