The rose that carried on growing and producing new pink fragrant blooms well in to December hasn’t fared so well, I think it could be dead, destroyed by the extremes of frost and ice.
The parsley is remarkable; it shows no sign of damage and looks as lush and green as if it had spent the winter under glass.
think my initial instinct about the lavender could be right; it’s
almost all dead, no signs of life, I did lose a couple of pots last year
but this year I think I may have lost all of it.
Its far too early to assess any frost damage to the new fruit canes I put in last autumn, I’m just hoping for the best.
It was quite sad looking at my garden and wondering exactly how much long term damage it sustained, but…………… was so nice to be back outside. I’m already looking around and making mental lists of all the little jobs I have to do out there this year. I’m beginning to think of my garden as a friend who I miss very much when I can’t visit.
It was quite sad looking at my garden and wondering exactly how much long term damage it sustained, but…………… was so nice to be back outside. I’m already looking around and making mental lists of all the little jobs I have to do out there this year. I’m beginning to think of my garden as a friend who I miss very much when I can’t visit.
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spiritjewelz wrote on Feb 11, '10
on the snowdrops... I think the rose will be ok... not sure on the
lavendar... it may be dormant...but hard to know in pots...sometimes the
roots freeze too much... guess it's a wait and see thing!
philsgal7759 wrote on Feb 9, '10
give up on the roses That is how mine look in winter and they are still
blooming. Lavender may be the same. Don't get your hopes up but don't
give up until the spring arrives in earnest.
brendainmad wrote on Feb 9, '10
a lot of rain yesterday, the sun has decided it's showtime today. The
weatherman said we might get more snow at the end of the week though. I
think it's been a harsh winter just about everywhere. Can't wait to see
your spring garden.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Feb 9, '10
veryfrank said
know you are right Frank I should have pruned it back, I was enjoying
the flowers so much I just let it carry on growing but if it survives
i'll not make that mistake this year.
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