Garden 2011 no 8
A family Weekend.
saga of the fence goes on. Most of that enormous pile of branches and
roots was taken away to the tip by a friends partner in his van. In
between rain and wind my eldest daughter found time, with the help of
her partner, a friend, a digger and a jeep, to remove the remaining
roots of the hedge in preparation for completing the fence. Those roots
were massive and turned out to be incredibly deep. Trying to get any
thing done in the garden at the moment is difficult, I can’t remember
the last time we had a whole day with no rain or wind or both. Sometimes
the weather is really nice, but never for the whole day. A family Weekend.
She is not a gardener; she doesn’t like gardening, hates getting ‘dirty’, she calls all plants ‘weeds’ and thinks any thing that you can’t paint or trim is ‘messy’. Yes….. I know what you are thinking………….how on earth did I have a daughter like that, but I did.
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esoterika713 wrote on May 31, '11
that would have been not a good mix. Water and cement. My sister tried
to make our own containers for flowers with a mixture of cement,peat
moss, and perlite. We only had shovels and we weren't quite strong
enough to mix it properly so they aren't perfect but I still have one
but it sheds bits because it wasn't mixed properly. But, the mint likes
it. That is what I have growing in it at the moment.
:) Your garden sounds marvelous and it will be great once the fence gets built. What a lucky score getting those blue bells. They remind me a bit of grape hyacinths. |
brendainmad wrote on May 31, '11
it or not, we've had the same weather. At present the sky is black. How
I'd love to have a nice garden, just grass is boring!
forgetmenot525 wrote on May 31, '11
did I, but apparently that doesn't apply if they are in your garden, it
only applies if they are growing wild. At least thats they way I think
it works
forgetmenot525 wrote on May 30, '11
greenwytch said
Deb......'YAY indeed..................... look at the bag in that last
picture, I filled three bags like that, they were so full the bulbs
were spilling over the top. It was a good weekend thanks. I couldn't
manage to dig up turf, it was very hard which is why my daughter helped.
But digging the plants up from those borders was OK because someone had
maintained the garden and the ground was nice and soft. Think we all
had a good weekend, it was a combined effort.
greenwytch wrote on May 30, '11
'free' plants! YAY! congrats on the good progress, thanks to help from the whole clan. ; D
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