This is what my garden looks like from the street. I can’t imagine why my daughters tell me it’s a mess……….I quite like it looking a little wild. The only bad thing in the garden today was the ant infestation in the compost bin, but that was sorted and I think its going to be OK.
A quick update, I’m tired and heading for bed soon. I’ve been out digging and playing in the garden all day and its worn me out. I’m sure you remember me saying I was planning on digging up the wild area behind the pond once all the bluebells had finished.
(before the big dig)
they finished a while ago, and today was warm, dry, sunny and an ideal
gardening day, so off I went. It took me all day but I did it. I dug up a
bucket full of bluebell bulbs which have all been replanted. I also dug
up a whole heap of periwinkle which is trimmed, cleaned and sitting in
the bag waiting for my daughter to collect. Digging up established
periwinkle is no easy task, I’m so glad it was only a small area, not
sure I would have managed any thing bigger. I’ll need to give it another
dig over and then dig in some of the chicken pellet manure before I can
plant there, but I feel it was a day well spent.
(After the big big)
More fruit was ready today. I’m getting enough strawberries to have a couple either on my cereal or with ice cream most days. The white currant bush was heavy with fruit and I noticed some of the currents had already been eaten by the birds. I knew I had to get them in today because, I know from experience, once the birds start eating currents, they don’t stop until they are all gone. I think I’ve got enough to mix with some apple and make white jam.
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forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 17
djdx said
We put netting over the currants. We have the black ones; they will be ready soon.
think you are right, netting is the answer, I will have to make sure I
have enough ready for next year. I spent the day in the garden again
today and noticed some of the red currents looking bright red and ready
to be picked. When I started picking I realised how many the birds had
already eaten. Definitely need netting next year.
brendainmad wrote on Jul 17
I love a wild garden too. Yours has so much colour and I always enjoy seeing it.
esoterika713 wrote on Jul 16
I love a wild garden. Mine is quite wild too.
:) I love currants. I have been adding more edible things. Last year I planted a Downy Service Berry. The birds love and I tried oen they were quite good. The berries are ready early which is nice. I also planted an Elder berry for the birds and us if we so wish. No berries on that. We also planted a Concord grape vine that almost had fruit but they fell off. This is the second season so I am a little disappointed. My sister bought hers this year and hers has lots of fruit. Concord grapes are ready to eat in September. I think they like her clay soil. I am happy with the blue berry bush I planted this year. We got lots of blue berries and they are still coming. I only hope it does as well next year. |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 16
another of my bargain buys. I saw them for sale for £8.00 in a discount
store, usually they cost more than twice that much
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 16
aaranaardvark said
black currents are not ready yet, I think we are a couple of weeks
behind you. The white currents always fruit first, then the red currents
and then the black currents and I think you are right about the rain.
I've never had this many white currents from one bush before.
hedgewitch9 wrote on Jul 16
You are amazing and your garden is gorgeous....if your daughter thinks it's wild she should see mine!!!
Love seeing your pics and our updates inspire me :)) |
artprevails wrote on Jul 16
blog today is so gorgeous! And your garden is so inviting. I love the
story about your hard work, ant infestation, etc. And yea, birds
probably bring all of their extended family to have a go at those
delicious currants too! I adore these photos. How wonderful to have
fresh fruit that YOU grew yourself...
aaranaardvark wrote on Jul 16, edited on Jul 16
garden is looking great, I don't know what your daughters mean either. I
got 2.5lbs of blackcurrants off my one single bush yesterday. The bush
has been loving this wet weather and has produced more than double last
years crop so I'm pleased about that. Jam me that is
going to be a reality. I bet your white currant and apple jam will be
delicious Loretta, I've never had white currants, they look very
appetising to me.
greenwytch wrote on Jul 16
you have had quite a busy day! lots of accomplishments, i know you
will enjoy a well-deserved rest tonight. tasty strawberries and is much too hot to grow currants here. happy jammin'. ♥
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