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flamingoette wrote on Aug 15, '09
a neat idea. and geez, that looks sooo peaceful. yes eagle, in some
areas you have to heat the ponds that you BUILD (not those that are
already put there by nature) so the fish dont freeze. in Tennessee, i
was surprised to see the Amish use goldfish (actually KOI) in the water
troughs for their horses is so they water wont freeze in winter.
the Amish are a very industrious bunch and work year round on their
land, even when its under ICE there is something to be even
the horses work year round. of course, if you arent familiar w the
Amish, they are a religious group that uses absolutely NOTHING
electrical anywhere. all their cooking is on wood stoves, their tools
are hand tools and the women sew and can and scrub things the old
fashion HAND. amazing when you think of it.
acousticeagle wrote on Aug 12, '09
interesting to me that having a pond with a heater is mentioned. In
Australia, bodies of water don't freeze over - only in the high alpine
regions. But I reckon in places in the world where snow in urban areas
is normal, you'd have to have that?
earnesttphdthc wrote on Aug 11, '09
thought the same thing until somebody told me otherwise. . . .they
said all I had to do was leave the pump running. . . so I did it this
winter and it never froze ! .. . Oh, btw, we just had the worst winter
ever here in my part of Michigan, so if it can last through that it it
can last through just about anything .
hadenough1 wrote on Aug 11, '09
I like that. Very nice. It would still freze where I live unless you
added some kind of heater (small) but I like idea. Thank you--nice post
with video
acousticeagle wrote on Aug 11, '09
fish looks like it's got a great home. Once I lived next door to a
woman who started off having nice little fish in a pond. Well, the pond
grew overgrown, and they must have been eating well, for the nice shiny
orange fish ended up something like big brown carp. They had gone feral,
I think, and one wouldn't have wanted to put one's hand in there. Nice
to see some ornamental fish in a pleasant and relaxing setting. Living
things to visually please with serenity.
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