I’ve not spent a lot of time here recently; most of my time seems to be taken up trying to get the garden finished.
The one thing I love about all this rain is the way it’s made the dandelions on my neighbours grass grow and bloom, and of course she’s not managed to cut the grass because of the rain. I keep taking photos of her grass with my mobile because I so love the look of it covered in bright yellow dandelions, and I know she will be out there mowing it all away soon.
My struggle with the white masonry paint continues and it’s developed into constant battle against the rain. It seems as soon as I manage to get a coat of paint on the walls the rain pours down and washes it all away before it has a chance to dry. I am left with a big mess and as soon as the sun comes out………….I start all over again. I suppose some bits are beginning to look ok but ohhhh this is hard work. It is hard to get the paint to cover those walls, it’s messy, so much goes on the floor, so much goes all over me and it really does take an awful lot of paint. Already I’ve had to buy more paint, I never realised painting masonry is so difficult. BUT; I am beginning to see progress, when I look at some of it, especially the bits where I can see the white walls against the blue fences; I remember what the original vision was. When I stand back and look at the bigger picture the mess hits me all over again. I just have to hold that picture of the finished effect in my head and hang on to the belief that it WILL look the way I planned some day soon.
Just to make a change from wall painting, I did another spot of babysitting, and while I was babysitting’ my youngest grandson put on his joke Harry Potter glasses that squirt water out of the frame via a tube attached to a small pump in his hand. He thought this was joke of the century. I thought it was quite funny the first time, and the second time was ok…………..but after 20 or 30 times of being soaked from squirty Harry Potter glasses, well I guess I became grumpy old granny and lost my sense of humour.
Today, my friend from art Class took me out in the car again. We returned to the little tiny hamlet we found last week called Boddin and went in search of the Lime Kilns. I did some drawing and she did a painting and then we went for a wander. Today I did manage to get a shot of the ruined Salmon Station and the old Bothy with my mobile. The photos are not very good but it is the best I can do with out a proper camera.
I found something quite special on the beach today. It’s just a stone but it is a perfect replica of a large chickens egg!! This stone feels like an egg in your hand, it looks like an egg and it’s exactly the right size and shape. I did wonder if it could be a fossilised egg??
Anyhow……………..that just about concludes my busy schedule over the last week or so. And; the hard work is paying off…….it is looking better in the garden already and I suppose I’ve done the hardest part. It will be so nice to sit here and not think about which job I’m going to tackle next.
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acousticeagle wrote on Jul 24, '09
white walls look so great, really fresh, there's a Mediterranean touch
there. I actually pulled some weeds the other day. Just a beginning.
I've noticed that buds are starting to come up on some naked trees, so
the time for all that hard gardening is approaching. Still very much
winter here, tho', lots of frosts.
brendainmad wrote on Jul 24, '09
very positive-thinking. I was thinking July is almost over. That egg
stone is very special. I found a heart-shaped one for one of my sisters
who collects rocks, photographed it and others and blogged about it like
Loretta. LOL
tsblackmoon wrote on Jul 23, '09
forgetmenot525 said
have a beautiful garden spot, actually . . . Our riding lawn mower
broke down and we're on 2 acres with a barn and shop, so . . . the
garden spot is engulfed. It's late in the year, so I'll just have to
look forward to next year. I was disappointed, though.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 23, '09
you enjoyed it Frank....Guess that is what I have too
then..................a small owned flat. It is very good of you to
carry on doing the garden after you moved out.........don't think I've
heard of any one else doing that......
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 23, '09
a shame you can't enjoy your garden ...........But I know it has been
very very hot for you this year and that does make things difficult.
Maybe you could have a little courtyard garden with shade and plants in
containers...............that would be nice and cool to sit in and maybe
easier to look after.
kathyinozarks wrote on Jul 23, '09
garden is coming along wonderfully-it all takes time and hard
work-hugs, enjoyed reading this blog-especially about your grandson-made
me laugh
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 23, '09
know what you mean, what I call my house is in fact a modest ex council
upstairs flat. I just happen to have a corner plot of garden. It's not
very big but its mine and I love my little garden. And
yes.............those Harry Potter squirty glasses are quite something,
free with the Beano !!!
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jul 23, '09
never really thought about it before but I have spent so much time in
my garden I couldn't help noticing them and if you click onto that photo
and zoom in you can see how pretty they are. A very beautiful yellow
gold covering all over the grass. It just looks so nice, bright vivid
colour and all totally natural no man made hybrids................just
good old mother nature.
tsblackmoon wrote on Jul 23, '09
garden went to pot when I couldn't mow the grass - and the trek out to
the garden spot became a parasitic feast - and it got too hot to want to
deal with that. I used to do it every year, but this year was a bit
of a bummer . . . Maybe next year.
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