Back in May/June I wrote about a herb garden some of the pupils got involved in planting. The original blogs are here
These pupils had never done any thing like this before and it was wonderful to see them out there getting their hands dirty and planting the herbs. I took a group of them to the local garden center to chose the herbs and a few days later we planted their herbs in a small garden next to the front entrance. I thought those of you who remember the original blog would like an update…………… winter sets in look how well established our herb garden is. These kids should be proud of themselves.
Just recently we have been back in the garden digging over and preparing another corner close to the front entrance. This time we are planting a wild hedgerow. We have packed this tiny space full of Hawthorn, Dog Rose, Holly, and Dog Wood. There are almost 50 small bushes in all and if they all survive they will need thinning out in a couple of years. As if this wasn’t enough, I really splashed out and bought 500 wild bluebell bulbs, the pupils have planted these very close together in among the hedgerow bushes and all around the borders of the herb garden.
I can’t wait for the spring when they will all bloom; it will be spectacular to have a great splash of bluebell blue greet you as you enter the school.
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dianahopeless wrote on Nov 20, '08
You have some lucky students. What a teacher you are!!
How marvelous that will look come spring. Looking forward to more photos then...... |
acousticeagle wrote on Nov 20, '08
Loretta, just wanted to let you know that I'm having trouble with your
site. When I write text the whole text block keeps spreading
acousticeagle wrote on Nov 20, '08
you've been sooo busy. Small area gardening can be so rewarding. It's
really good to get some relaxation and exercise at the same time.
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