The only thing left unfinished on my pond is the mosaic I intend to put around the edges to cover the rather dull concrete blocks. I’m still hoping to get this done before the end of the week, (back to work next week UGH!!).
I’ve rather given up on the idea of a wild life pond and am accepting an ornamental fish pond could be a better idea. I wanted to keep the pond for wild life and intended waiting until next spring to put frogspawn and toad spawn into the pond. Turns out that waiting a whole year to do this could be a bad idea because the pond was filling up with mosquito larva and until the frogs arrived, there were no predators to eat the dreaded larva. Which is why I put two gold fish in there, one died the very next day and I don’t really know why. The other one made himself right at home and lives at the bottom behind one of the submerged aquatic baskets used for growing plants. I don’t see him very often but at least I know he’s healthy and if I really want to see him, I know which pot to move to coax him out. Yesterday I was at the pet shop buying for my indoor tropical tank and saw two little silver fish swimming about in a huge tank with a lot of other bigger gold fish and different sorts of Koi. They were very pretty and glittered in the light, they were only about one inch long and so I asked about them. They are called blue orfe, they grow up to about one foot long and will live quite happily out doors in a pond like mine, so I bought them!! I haven’t seen either of them since, which is a bit odd because all the book say that orfe like to play at the top of the water. I’m sure they are safe at the bottom and when they are a bit bigger I’m sure they will come out to play.
The little corner of my garden where my pond sits is now completely given over to wild life, (which is why I wanted a wild life pond). I have bird boxes in the tree ready for next year, I have bird feeders hanging from the tree and the ground is left to go wild. That piece of ground is mostly covered in periwinkle but it also has pink campion, wild forget-me-nots, primroses, cow-slips, snow drops and blue bells. I have also encourages clumps of clover to grow there.
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acousticeagle wrote on Aug 12, '09
work is hard work, but I think you can do it because you are
determined. I did mosaic on my coffee table. The table top was just
laminated plywood, so I put a cactus and desert scene on it in 'Sante
Fe' colours. It looks good.
aimlessjoys wrote on Aug 12, '09
It looks just great, & a mosaic sounds perfect! Congrats on your good work!
forgetmenot525 wrote on Aug 11, '09
been with out a camera this summer but before when I did have my
camera, even with the zoom lense...........they sat out of reach of a
decent photo...............little buggers seem to know just how far away
they need to be. I did get some rather nice photographs of cormorants
last year though. They are pretty amazing birds too.
forgetmenot525 said
you send some this way please, Loretta. Heron is one knd of bird I have
been trying in vain to photograph for ages. There are quite a few in
this area, but they seem to know when I'm out with my camera and
forgetmenot525 wrote on Aug 11, '09
this may sound very crazy..............but I would love to see herons
in my garden, They all sit at the waters edge along the beach when this
tide is out, or they sit on the rocks at the cliffs.........I don't know
any one who has come so close to them that they actually visit the
garden. maybe it's because we live by the sea and there is still fishing
going on here, I think the herons would turn their noses up at my
little gold fish......bigger and better fish to be had around here. But
the gulls could be a problem.........they are scavengers and overturn
brendainmad wrote on Aug 11, '09
you get the mosaic done. I'm sure I've mentioned that one of my sisters
has a pond in which in the summer she has two turtles and some gold
fish. Originally the gold fish were bought as food for the turtles, but
for reason they didn't eat them. In the winter everybody goes to the
indoor aquarium.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Aug 11, '09
what I felt Frank, i admit it's not what i wanted, the whole idea of a
pond was to create more of a natural habitat in my garden, sometimes we
just need to be a bit pragmatic i suppose. Although........I'm working a
a new idea :-))...............I have the old sink top from when the
kitchen was done and I'm wondering if I could keep frogspawn in sink
until the baby frogs are big enough not to get eaten my my blue orfe
(which should be quite big by next year) and then encourage them to hop
over to the pond!1 that way I can have fish AND wild life All I would
need to do is dig a small hole and put the old sink next to the big
pond................sort of like a hatchery for frogs!! ..
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