It's almost midnight and here I am doing late night watering, locking the shed and tidying up the garden furniture when I hear a noise from the pond. Quick as the flash on my camera I point the torch in the direction of the sound and click ................and here is my little visitor.... Mr (or Mrs) Frog. I've not seen him since first thing this morning, I thought he had gone......................
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forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 28, '10
thanks Vero, can see why you are so fond of those little tree frogs
Apparently it is a common frog. I think the toad I caught was not a toad but a frog. |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 27, '10
Apparently not........we only have two species of native frog and two species of native toad |
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jun 27, '10
sure is. My daughter let her small pool go too long without cleaning
and the tree frogs moved in... hundreds of tadpoles. (I'm gonna steal
some for my pond) lol I love to hear the tree frogs at night. Do you
have them where you live?
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 27, '10
I'm just so pleased, I hope he stays in my garden, and what I would
really like is frogspawn in the pond next year. My sister who lives in
France has just found tiny baby newts in her small pond..........and her
pond is just an old childs sand pit in the shape of a clam shell that
she left out over the winter!!... aint nature wonderful :-)
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jun 27, '10
be surprised if he moves around a bit. One day Gina (my granddaughter)
and I were working near the pond when all at once,in the middle of the
afternoon, our frog just started croaking away. Even more ususual... HE
WAS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FLOWER BED ! lol At least 20 feet from the
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 27, '10
he is so cute, i'm so thrilled, no idea what sort of a frog or toad he
is or if he is a she.... but he is lovely, not as big as i first
thought, body length is maybe 2 inches..........I'm going to bed a happy
bunny tonight :-)
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jun 27, '10
Awwww He's so handsome....(just has that "he" look about him ) LOL Looks like he feels quite at home.
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