Been a very busy bee recently
have had some very good weather recently and consequently I’ve managed
to make a little progress on some of my garden projects. I still haven’t
bought a new camera, so yet again these pictures are poor quality
mobile phone pictures…….oh how I miss my camera.
Remember the pile of rubble I was left with after having my garden shed door moved??
seem to remember Diana saying I could make it into a rockery.
Well……………..I managed to ‘hide’ most of it and what was left, will indeed
make a very nice neat corner rockery, thank you Diana. 
Remember the complete bathroom I had dumped in my garden by well meaning and thoughtful daughters??
well meaning and thoughtful daughters never did plumb in the new cream
bathroom and it has sat in my garden ever since. The bath became
scratched and the grandchildren were getting very fed up with it being
in their way in the garden. I decided to keep my aged but serviceable
green bathroom and hired a little man to dig a hole and ‘plant’ the
other bath that was sitting in the garden. This time next year this bath
will be my wild life pond, we will have frogs and toads and dragon flies and lilly pads!!
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acousticeagle wrote on Jun 14, '09
you've been busy b'gosh. Nothing like getting sleeves rolled up and
stuck in to it. It will be interesting to have frogs in the bathtub.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
well thats weird cos i have always loaded pictures straight from my
computer into a blog and they always enlarged ok..............strange
that it didn't wok that way for you
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
seanymph3 said
suppose this is part of the 'improvements', cos it used to work fine
just loading them from the computer but if that's the way it has to be
nothing we can do about it i guess
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
Another 'glitch' my pictures in blogs will NOT enlarge.......this is BAD BAD.. grrrrrrr
aimlessjoys wrote on Jun 14, '09
developments! It's too hot here by now to get outside much, & we
have lost 2 trees from our neighbor's yard that USED to shade our patio,
which is now broiling hot all afternoon. Now what?? As always, you
inspire my endeavors! Looks Great!
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jun 14, '09
have two small ponds just off my back deck. Nothing fancy there either
... just a water hole to be used by the wild life as they choose. The
ponds are almost hidden and it is fun to watch the expression on my
friends' faces when ,as we are sitting on the deck chatting and bird
watching, one of the resident bull frogs decides to let out one of his
loud grrrr ummmphs! LOL I love having them so close.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
Vero...............i just don't like to throw stuff away if it can be
used and I have wanted a wild life pond for ages. I've been reading
about how to set them up, no fish and no alien species, just good old
british frogs, toads and oxygenating native plants...........I would
love newts too but they are so rare now it is illegal to move, damage,
endanger, buy, sell, trade or otherwise interfere with
unless they decide to migrate to my garden, all on their own ( out of
the countryside and into the town) i have no chance of getting them.
What a shame!!
veroniquemariquita wrote on Jun 14, '09
How creative. You turned a problem into an asset... proved once again that .."Where there's a will there's a way".
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
Sea and know what I'm like for recycling, just
can't throw any thing away. as for the problems on the
site...........well this has happened to me before and to be honist
these problems are not as bad as last time and I'mj ust sort of hoping
that once every thingsettles down my site will return to normal
princessoftheking2 wrote on Jun 14, '09
thanks. I just started using FF myself and Multiply, so I don't know
what it was like before so I've no idea if i've got the 4.0 version. But
hello to Arbroath from Dundee all the same. My mum lives in Leonard
Street, my cousin's at St. Murdoch's Crescent and my brother and
sis-in-law live at Fergus Square.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
much prefer it to IE because its faster but for some reason the 'new
and improved' Multiply refuses to operate on it.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
Mo, thanks, yep been quite busy recently with different things and you
know how I love to recycle, dobn't like to throw things away.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
untill every thing settles down i must remember not to use links, still can't use FF though
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Frank you were right, it was just the links making it stretch, thank you
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
thanks frank, didn't think of that, i'll remove the links, don't really need them anyway so i'll see if it makes a difference.
brendainmad wrote on Jun 14, '09
and see Loretta if anyone else has this problem because for me it
doesn't appear stretched out. I'll go look at it on IE though.
It may be the length or the font size of your URL in the text that stretched it: |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Jun 14, '09
about this page....................I thought all th little problems on
this page were sorted and then this stretched and
stretched and stretched
brendainmad wrote on Jun 14, '09
The other day I read an article about some neighbours in a town in the
US who created a big 'stink' because a woman had used a toilet as a
planter. Sure hope your neighbours are not like that!
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