Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Garden 2013 no 4

Garden 2013 no 4

The picture says it all. The shallots are IN and hopefully we will have pickled onions for Christmas. There was a window of opportunity yesterday morning, having studied the weather forecast as if my life depended on it, I knew there would be a few hours yesterday morning free from snow and rain with an average temp of between 2c and 3c . I grabbed the opportunity and was out there by 9.30. By 11.30 the blue sky disappeared and huge snowflakes fell from above. But my task was already complete. I dug, I fertilized, I dug again and I planted. I have 4 rows of 15 sets, last year each one separated into about 5 / 6 individual shallots, if I'm lucky I should get about 80+, more than enough for every one. My favourite gardening book says shallots should be planted out in March before the last frost……..think I can guarantee I’ve not missed the last frost.


  1. I think you've invented a new sport......speed gardening!! LOL. At least you managed to get it done, and I think I can say with certainty you haven't missed that last frost, it's still set to stay quite cold over the Easter weekend.

    1. lol.........speed gardening...........I like it :-)

  2. I doubt that you've experienced the last frost either. As the saying in Spain goes, you can't be sure to have warm weather until the 40th of May (9 June), and it almost always turns out to be true. Glad you got this bit done.

    1. I think you're right, although today has been really nice, blue skies, not too cold and most importantly........NO SNOW OR must be spring :-)

  3. That WAS quick! lol And such a tidy bed. I've never grown shallots before. If you get that many from a sset, I just may have to try my hand at them.

    We had a storm go over for 2 days and left a lot of water behind. Now the ground is too muddy to plant. And I still need to replace some tomato plants. Guess they will have to wait. lol I'm very excited about our garden this year.Planted several new, to me, veggies. Just harvested one a few days ago, Dwarf Pak Choy. It was delicious too.

    1. lol... yes it was a bit of a rushed job that day...........but I managed to do some more yesterday before the high winds set in, I'll post on that later. I have Pak Choy seeds but I don't think its warm enough yet to plant them here, hopefully they will get planted before I go away
